Variable piston pumps with integrated digital control systems
Gear pumps
Hydraulic control used for engine -cooling fans.
Integrated valves for mumps and motors
Compact manifolds
Hydraulic cylinders
Test rigs for specific components
Rotary work functions in machinery such as swing drives, fan drives, auger/cutter services and others have used hydraulic power. These functions require precise torque control and high reliability. Hydraulics are also useful for precise force control such as powering booms, lift arms, platforms and buckets.
Typical uses for the new pumps and motors include a wide variety of construction machinery, including heavy-duty lift trucks, backhoe-loaders, on and off-road trucks, agricultural equipment, and many similar mobile applications.
Electromechanical alternatives are less reliable than hydraulics and have a shorter lifespan and are larger than the hydraulic alternative.